A downloadable example project for Windows and Linux

Take to the 4th dimension and explore what it would be like to see a 4-Dimensional Hypercube (a.k.a. a Tesseract) up close and personal!

This is an example project included with AzCore to demonstrate how one can go about designing a simple Vulkan program from the ground up.

AzCore is an open-source toolset written in C++ to lower the barrier of entry into game engine development at a low level. Demonstrated here is the Vulkan Framework, and Window, Keyboard, Mouse, and Gamepad I/O. The project was up and running within a day, and some polishing was done for about two days after that. It's meant to be an example to prove that feature-full Vulkan apps can be written in a short timespan given the right tools for the job.


Keyboard and MouseGamepadControl
W, A, S, D
Left Analog Stick
Move forwards, backwards, left, and right.
SpaceRight TriggerMove upwards
Left Control
Left Trigger
Move downwards
Left/Right Arrows
D-Pad X-AxisMove in 4th dimension
Left Mouse Button + Drag
Right Analog Stick
Rotate around the XY plane
Right Mouse Button + Drag
N/ARotate around the ZW plane
FX (West)Toggle Tesseract Faces
Pause BreakStartPause Tesseract rotation
Toggle Fullscreen
EscapeBackExit the program
1Y (North)Toggle Stereographic Mode
QLBReduce Stereographic eye width
ERBIncrease Stereographic eye width
VN/AToggle VSync (default: on)
PlatformsWindows, Linux
Release date Jul 28, 2019
AuthorAzure Indie
GenreEducational, Simulation
Tags3D, 4d, Experimental, Immersive
Average sessionA few seconds
InputsKeyboard, Mouse, Gamepad (any)


Linux.tar.gz 1.9 MB
Windows.zip 2.7 MB

Install instructions

Simply extract the archive, and run the Release build.

Development log


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A great way to test if vulkan drivers are working on linux!